NAWA LIFE – Reza Pahlevi

Why should animals be eaten? Does the lack of an emotional connection make humans indifferent to slaughtered animals? If an emotional bond is formed between humans and animals, will people still consume animals?

I’M CONFUSED – Rizky Ridho

This work delves into the human quest for the essence of one’s life, navigating the dilemma of social issues, empathy, sympathy, the environment, morals, beliefs, and resistance. It relates to the relevance of oneself in the ever-improving or possibly deteriorating modernity. Right or wrong is a matter of different perspectives. The concept of human causality […]

LIF(E) – Jasmine Azizah

Since ancient times, humans have been compelled to live honestly. Living honestly is not always easy. Humans sometimes find themselves trapped in situations that demand them to conceal the truth. This can stem from environmental pressures, social expectations, or even personal discomfort. Despite knowing that these lies only result in fleeting comfort, humans sometimes choose […]

CHOICE IN TIME – Nadir Muhararan

It started with my personal closeness, so can this film also be close to the audience? What I felt in the film can also be felt by the audience here using the medium of motorbikes, taking shots with an action camera on a motorbike, making installations of motorbikes and projectors which are stored in headlamps […]


Masakan Ibu menciptakan pengalaman sensori yang membentuk kenangan mendalam. Hidangan-hidangan khas yang disiapkan oleh Ibu seringkali membekas dalam ingatan, membawa kehangatan, dan menjadi sumber energi terbesar. Setiap rempah yang tertuang dan bumbu yang diracik oleh tangannya adalah representasi dari cinta dan kasih sayang seorang Ibu tanpa perlu mengungkapkannya secara verbal.


The human body stores memories and emotions through physical and emotional responses influenced by the environment, from society’s temperature. Similarly, the celluloid film body of cinema also stores memories. The emotions embedded in celluloid can fade and be deterred, just like society and conditions can affect human beings. The body of the human body, the […]


Integrating the wonders of the macrocosm, the intimacy of the microcosm, and the complexity of humanity through the lenses of physics and natural sciences. Presenting a narrative that interconnects galaxies with the subatomic world, challenging viewers to contemplate their role in the larger cosmic order to the minutest scale.